Instructions to Authors
Before submitting papers to the journal, the Scotopia Editorial Board wants to draw the following contributors' attention to the following: Before submitting papers to the journal, the Scotopia Editorial Board wants to draw the following contributors' attention to the following:
(1) Papers shouldn't typically be longer than 5000 words.
(2) MS Word (DOC or DOCX) files should be used to submit the manuscript.
(3) Times New Roman should be used for typing on the paper.
- 14 points for the title,
- 12 points for the author's name and title,
- 11 points for the subheading,
- 12 points for the text,
- Space should be 112 points, and
- The page margins should be 1 inch on both sides.
(4) The work must include (i) a concise title that can be used as a running head on subsequent pages and (ii) an abstract that is no more than 100 words.
(5) Three to five keywords should be included in the manuscript.
(6) Citations for pertinent sources should be formatted in accordance with APA style (6th edition).
(7) Only the most crucial tables, illustrations, and photos should be included.
(8) Only include endnotes; eliminate appendices and footnotes.
(9) Line drawings and maps should be legibly created and labelled. It is possible to publish images and coloured drawings. In the text, only the original artwork should be included.
(10) Only the international (metric) system should be used for units of measurement.
(11) The spellings in British or American English may be utilised, but they must be consistently employed throughout the entire text.
(12) There should be no usage of any abbreviations, such as "m" for "million" or "t" for "tones."
(13) The authors should certify that the article has not been published and will not be submitted to be published elsewhere when sending a contribution to the review.
(14) The views stated by the author(s) in the journal are their own, and neither the journal nor the honorary editors are liable for them.
(15) Permission: Authors must seek the owner(s) of the copyright before including any figures, tables, or text excerpts that have already been published elsewhere. After the paper in question has been accepted, they must present proof of the same.
(16) Copyright: When submitting a paper for publication, the author undertakes to give the editor or publisher the copyright for any ensuing use, reprint, or reproduction by any party. Upon final acceptance of the paper, the author must provide the editor with an exclusive licence. Articles not conforming to the aforementioned guidelines won't be considered for publication. The Journal's Publication Committee has given its approval for the publication of articles, notes, book reviews, and other types of content.

ISSN No. - 2455-5975
Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Soma Ghosh Principal, Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women, Dakshineswar
Associate Editors : Dr. Madhushri Das Datta
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women,
Dr. Pradipta Mukherjee
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women, Dakshineswar